Nearly everyone in the U.S. has seen “Frozen,” the highest-grossing animated film of all time, by now. The film delighted audiences in the US and world-wide and this past Halloween, and it was the most popular theme for children’s costumes.
At least one person, however, was not so delighted by this film, most especially it’s trailer. Kelley Wilson, an animator and independent filmmaker, filed suit against The Walt Disney Co. for copyright infringement, claiming that Disney’s blockbuster and specifically the First Look trailer borrowed substantial elements from her short film “The Snowman.”
So far, the judge in the case has agreed that there are enough similarities in the teaser to allow the case to proceed. It will be important for Wilson to prove to a jury that Disney had access to her material before creating their own. Feel free to compare the videos for yourself:
Watch Wilson’s “The Snowman” here and compare it to Disney’s First Look Trailer here.