File Your Provisional Patent

Effective March 16, 2013, the AIA first- to-file provisions contained in 35 USC 102 retain a one year grace period for inventor disclosures.  However, because some uncertainty exists as to whether the first-to-file provisions shield a pre- filing offer for sale or public use, it is recommended that a provisional be filed before commencing either of these activities.   This uncertainty has sprouted from the fact that Leahy-Smith Act maintains the concept of a one-year grace    period   for   an   inventor’s   pre-filing   activities,   but   defines   the   grace   period   as   limited   to   the   applicant’s “disclosures” of the invention.  Thus, some patent scholars have suggested that a secret commercialization or other “public use” or “sale” may constitute a “disclosure” under the new Act.

For those inventors choosing to file their own provisional applications using emerging technologies such as the Cislo &   Thomas   PatentFiler   system   (,   it   is   of   the   utmost   importance   that   those   provisional applications satisfy the enablement, written description, and best mode requirements of 35 USC 112.   Doing so will ensure that the effective filing date is indeed the provisional filing date, and will protect your invention in the event of future litigation.  See future Blog posts for details regarding the requirements of 35 USC 112