If you have an online business or run a website of any kind from the United Kingdom with a .eu suffix you will have to secure new rights in the domain name soon. The regulation says that any businesses operating a website within the UK that currently has the .eu suffix will either have to transfer ownership of that website to a business in the European Union or change the suffix of their domain name.
Domain name owners will have until May 30, 2019 to transfer ownership of their domain names or they will lose registration. Those who lose registration will have their domain names withdrawn by the European Union. To qualify as a business that operates a website under a .eu suffix the business must have its principal place of business, registered office, or administration in the European Union. Alternatively, if you are a natural person who is a resident of the European Union you may qualify for a .eu suffix as well.
The European Union has stated that all effected domain names will be revoked after 12 months from Brexit. However, the good news is that the domain name will remain in the .eu registry and may be reclaimed if the business eventually complies with the ownership requirements of the .eu suffix.