Thinking about using a trademark? You may be confused about when to use the ™ v. ® symbol.
A ™ next to a word or logo claims the exclusive right to use that word in relation to that good or service. This could show the source of that good or service. If you offer a good or service in commerce, you have a common law right to use this symbol within your market. ™ does not require any kind of registration, which means that some ‚owners‘ cannot always prove or enforce their trademarks. ™ is also the symbol you use if you have applied for a trademark but are waiting for it to register. Once it registers, you can start using the ®, which indicates that this trademark is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The Trademark Office has examined this mark and determined its validity. If a trademark is followed by an ®, you should be able to see which goods or services it covers at A registered trademark makes it easier for owners to enforce their rights.