California Intellectual Property Law

The intellectual property provisions of California law are distributed throughout California’s many topical codes. Please use the search form below to search the various code sections. Also, to see a listing of cases in Los Angeles County Courts, the Los Angeles County Bar Association provides direct access to cases of specified interest: Los Angeles County State Court filings and cases.

The most common intellectual property laws in California are listed below, or feel free to search for any California law using the search function at the bottom of the page:

California Uniform Trade Secrets Act –Calif. Civil Code Sections 3426-3426.11

California Right of Publicity Act –Calif. Civil Code Sections 3344-3426.1

California Trademark Act –Calif. Business & Prof. Code Sections 14200-14342

California Civil Jury Instructions

California Unfair Competition Act –Calif. Bus. & Prof. Code Section 17200 et seq.

California False Advertising Act –Calif. Bus. & Prof. Code Section 17500 et seq.

California Fictitious Business Names –Calif. Bus. & Prof. Code Section 1900

Fictitious Business Name Search by California Counties

Fictitious Business Name Filing in California Counties

California State Cyberpiracy Statute –Calif. Bus. & Prof. Code Section 17525-17528.5

California State Court Opinions and Rules of Practice by Court